Baseball NSW has posted its update on the current status of baseball in light of the COVID-19 restrictions, copied below. Please note that the current rules regarding access to the Golden Jubilee batting tunnels still apply, i.e.
– no more than two people in the cage at any time
– wear your own batting gloves whether you are batting or feeding balls
– maintain safe social distancing when in or around the cage, i.e. >1.5 metres separation
– wear your own batting helmet whether batting or feeding balls
– wash your hands before and after!
In addition to this, all members are to be vigilant in watching out for signs of COVID-19-related symptoms. These include coughing, sneezing, runny nose, loss of smell or taste, shortness of breath (see the NSW Health website for more information). If you have any of these symptoms, please stay away from other members and get yourself checked out by a doctor.
The NSW government is now allowing outdoor gatherings of up to 10 people, however Baseball NSW still has a “no organised baseball activities” rule in place, which must be followed. This means that should a few people decide to meet at Golden Jubilee to exercise, it will not be considered an organised baseball activity and your insurance (if you are a registered player) may not cover you in the event of an injury.
The Stealers Committee joins Baseball NSW in encouraging members to download and activate the COVID-19 app, which will alert you if you have been in the presence of anyone who has contracted COVID-19, so that you can get yourself checked out. Please remember that there is still no cure for this virus – no vaccine and medical professionals are still in the learning stage regarding how to treat patients – so the Committee appreciates the care and effort that all Stealers members and their guests go to to ensure we have a safe environment at Golden Jubilee.

Please click below to access the Baseball NSW update:
